Synopsis: “Friends in Low Places” is a documentary series chronicling country music legends Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood’s journey to build their dream bar, a four-story honky-tonk located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. The series follows them as they enlist the help of their closest friends, longtime tour crew, and hospitality experts to bring this ambitious project to life.
Episode Release Dates: The eight-episode docuseries premiered on Thursday, March 7, 2024, on Amazon Prime Video.
Story: “Friends in Low Places” offers an intimate look at Garth Brooks’ return to his musical roots. The show goes beyond the construction process, exploring the personal connection Brooks and Yearwood have to Nashville and their desire to create a space that embodies the spirit of country music. Viewers get to witness the challenges and triumphs that come with building a large-scale venue while also getting a glimpse into the lives and camaraderie between Brooks, Yearwood, and their inner circle.
Garth Says: I’ll put it this way: let’s create a bar downtown where everyone is welcome. And the whole bar is just about loving one another; oh, and by the way, the backdrop is country music! How does it get better?
Where to Stream: “Friends in Low Places” is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.
Comment: Have you had the chance to watch “Friends in Low Places”? What did you think about Garth Brooks’ journey and the final product? Share your thoughts in the comments below!