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HomeStreamingDisney+INSIDE OUT 2 (2024): A Deep Dive into Pixar's 2024 Masterpiece

INSIDE OUT 2 (2024): A Deep Dive into Pixar’s 2024 Masterpiece


Inside Out 2 takes audiences back into the vibrant and emotional world within the mind of Riley, now a teenager facing the complexities of growing up. As new emotions emerge and old ones evolve, the sequel delves into the intricacies of the adolescent brain, capturing the tumultuous journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


  • Amy Poehler as Joy
  • Phyllis Smith as Sadness
  • Bill Hader as Fear
  • Lewis Black as Anger
  • Mindy Kaling as Disgust
  • Diane Lane as Mom
  • Kyle MacLachlan as Dad


  • Director: Kelsey Mann
  • Screenwriter: Meg LeFauve
  • Producer: Mark Nielsen
  • Composer: Michael Giacchino

Release Date

June 14, 2024

Running Time

105 minutes

Motion Picture Rating (MPA)



Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Story Summary

Inside Out 2 picks up several years after the original film, focusing on Riley’s transition from childhood to adolescence. The familiar emotions—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust—are joined by new emotions such as Anxiety and Envy, each contributing to the complex and often chaotic landscape of Riley’s teenage mind. As Riley navigates high school, friendships, and family dynamics, her emotions must work together to help her through new challenges and experiences.

A Review of Inside Out 2

Pixar’s Inside Out 2 triumphantly returns to the inner workings of the mind, offering a poignant and visually stunning exploration of adolescence. The sequel, directed by Kelsey Mann and penned by Meg LeFauve, builds on the foundation laid by its predecessor, delivering a narrative that is both emotionally resonant and intellectually stimulating.

From the outset, the film immerses viewers in the now-familiar control center of Riley’s mind, where the core emotions continue their roles with renewed vigor and complexity. Amy Poehler’s Joy remains a beacon of optimism, though she now grapples with the more nuanced and sometimes conflicting aspects of Riley’s teenage years. Phyllis Smith’s Sadness continues to provide depth and empathy, balancing the exuberance of Joy with a grounded perspective.

The introduction of new emotions, particularly Anxiety and Envy, adds layers to the story, reflecting the heightened sensitivity and self-awareness that come with adolescence. These new characters are portrayed with a blend of humor and sincerity, contributing to the film’s overarching theme of embracing the full spectrum of emotions as essential components of the human experience.

Visually, Inside Out 2 is a feast for the eyes. The animation is vibrant and dynamic, with the mindscape evolving to mirror Riley’s growth. The representation of abstract concepts and the seamless integration of new settings within the mind are testaments to Pixar’s unparalleled creativity and technical prowess.

The film’s narrative arc is carefully crafted, balancing humor, heartache, and hope. Riley’s external world, depicted through her interactions with friends, family, and school, provides a relatable and realistic backdrop that enhances the internal emotional journey. The screenplay deftly navigates the complexities of teenage life, addressing issues such as identity, peer pressure, and familial expectations with sensitivity and insight.

Michael Giacchino’s score complements the emotional landscape perfectly, its melodies resonating with the highs and lows of Riley’s journey. The music swells and recedes with the narrative, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes and contributing to the overall immersive experience.

Inside Out 2 also excels in its ability to impart important life lessons without feeling preachy. The film encourages viewers to embrace their emotions, recognize the value of empathy, and understand that growth often comes from navigating difficult experiences. These messages are woven seamlessly into the storyline, making them both impactful and accessible.

In summary, Inside Out 2 is a masterful continuation of Riley’s story, capturing the essence of adolescence with authenticity and grace. It is a film that will resonate with audiences of all ages, offering a rich tapestry of emotion, humor, and insight. Pixar has once again proven its ability to create a film that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining, securing its place as a standout piece of animated cinema.

Critical Response

Upon its release, Inside Out 2 received widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike. Reviewers praised the film’s ability to tackle complex emotional themes with sensitivity and intelligence. The introduction of new emotions was particularly lauded for adding depth to the narrative and enhancing the portrayal of the adolescent experience.

Critics also highlighted the film’s stunning animation, with its vibrant and innovative depiction of the mindscape receiving particular praise. The seamless blend of humor and heartfelt moments was noted as a hallmark of Pixar’s storytelling prowess.

Three Life Lessons from Inside Out 2

  1. Embrace All Emotions: The film reinforces the idea that every emotion, whether positive or negative, plays a crucial role in our lives. By accepting and understanding our emotions, we can navigate challenges more effectively.
  2. Value Empathy: Through the interactions of the emotions and Riley’s experiences, Inside Out 2 underscores the importance of empathy. Recognizing and validating the feelings of others is vital in building strong, supportive relationships.
  3. Growth Through Adversity: The sequel highlights that personal growth often comes from overcoming difficulties. Riley’s journey illustrates how facing and dealing with life’s challenges can lead to greater resilience and self-awareness.


Inside Out 2 is a remarkable addition to Pixar’s illustrious filmography, offering a heartfelt and intellectually stimulating exploration of adolescence. With its compelling characters, stunning animation, and profound life lessons, the film is poised to become a beloved classic for audiences of all ages.

Where to Stream

Following its theatrical release, Inside Out 2 will be available for streaming on Disney+, allowing fans to revisit the emotional journey of Riley and her emotions from the comfort of their homes.

Comment Prompt

What emotion from Inside Out 2 do you resonate with the most and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below!



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